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Torrents Tracker RSS description

Really Simple Syndication feed for your torrents

RSS Logo


In the ever-evolving digital landscape, staying updated with the latest information has become crucial. One of the most efficient ways to achieve this is through the use of RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feeds. RSS feeds allow users to gather and access content from various sources in a standardized format.

In this article, I will describe our service RSS feed elements and format.

RSS file description

Example XML-RSS feed file - RSS.

To get your personal RSS-feed link - click on "You RSS" in Torrents Tracker bot main menu.

The RSS feed file includes the following elements:

  1. The "title" element - stores the torrent title from the file or magnet link metadata;
  2. The "guid" element - stores the unique link to the website with the current torrent file;
  3. The "link" element - stores file Magnet link;
  4. The "pubDate" element - contains the UTC date and time in RFC-822 format of the last update of this torrent. Once added to the tracking system, this time matches the creation time of the torrent file;
  5. The "description" element provides helpful details:
    1. Torrent link - link to the website with the current torrent file;
    2. Magnet Link - stored torrent file Magnet link for download;
    3. Size - stores user-friendly information about the actual size of the torrent file;
    4. Peers - stores the total number of active peers for this torrent;
    5. Hash - stores the torrent hash;
    6. Full copies - number of available full torrent copies stored in the network.

Using an RSS-feed with various Torrent clients is possible.

In this guide, we will provide instructions on how to set it up specifically with qBittorrent.

Your RSS feed will be valid: [Valid RSS]
RSS feed example

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